La pel.lícula es centra en la petita Frida, qui acaba de perdre a la seva mare quedant-se orfe, i ha d'anarse'n a viure amb el seu tiet i la seva dona i filla petita, just quan comença l'estiu. "Per què no estàs plorant?" li demana un nin a la nena durant les festes del barri, però ella no contesta res. La Frida envolta silenci, por i expectació als seus sis anys i Simón ens transporta a un poblet de Catalunya per veure el seu procés d'adaptació a la seva nova família. De tot d'una té un pare de nou, el seu tio al qui li té gran afecte, una mare nova a qui rebutja i fins i tot desafia, i una germaneta petita, amb la que jugar quan s'avorreix, a la que ignora ja en el seu rol de germana major i a la qui té enveja quan veu la relació d'ella amb el seu papa. Es una situació difícil per la Frida i per tots, qui tracten que la petita es senti com a casa. Tot dins l'ambient relaxat de l'estiu, aquells estius eterns i plens de moments d'avorriment que varem tenir tots aquells que no varem créixer amb una tablet sota el braç.
Un dels grans encerts de la pel.lícula és transportar-nos a la nostàlgia d'aquells estius. La música de Bom Bom Chip, jugar a desfresses, les pulseres de fils, jugar a les Barbies, maquillar-se desastrosament, el sentir l'estiu com a infinit. I tot això a través de la mirada d'una nena que es fa preguntes en silenci. Però això no és el millor del film. Si algo destaca per damunt de tot són les interpretacions de la nova família, començant per la Laia Artigas en el paper de Frida. A través dels seus ulls i del que calla, ens diu tot lo que una nena tan petita pot sentir en aquesta situació. La naturalitat que la Carla Simón mostra i la quotidianitat que aconsegueix en cada una de les escenes del film, és realment el que fa que connectis amb la història tan bé. És un relat simple i alhora complexa, però com tot a la vida a primer cop d'ull pot parèixer que no passa res, quan realment per a dins succeeix de tot.
No hi ha dubte que aquesta petita obra mestre se n'endurà molts de reconéixements apart dels premis que ja se n'ha portat però de lo que no es pot qüestionar es que a la Carla Simón se l'ha de seguir d'aprop ja que ha resultat tota una revolució al cinema espanyol, i el clar exemple és que ens representarà als Oscars amb 'Estiu 1993'! Disfrutau d'aquesta pel.lícula i podeu veure algunes imatges molts adorables darrera el tall.
(English translation)
How can i describe this little gem? I've been hearing about this precious movie, director Carla Simón's first feature, but i didn't expect this much and nevertheless that it was going to break my heart. But they were right, it's movie that really touches you hard.
The film centers young Frida, who has just become an orphan after her mom passed away and she moves into her uncle's house alongside his wife and young daughter right at the beginning of Summer."Why aren't you crying?" one kid asks her while they were playing during the neighbourhood's festivities but she doesn't answer. At six-years-old, Frida is full of silence, fear and is expectant, and director Simón takes us to a small village of Catalonia to see her adaptation to her new family. All of a sudden she has a new father, her uncle who she really loves, a new mother who she rejects and even dares, and a little sister with whom she can play with, as well as she can ignore in her new role as a big sister and at times she's jealous of her after her loving relationship with her dad. It's a really complicated situation for Frida and everyone who try to make her feel like at home. Everything taking place during the calmness of Summer, like those endless Summers full of boredom that we all experienced back then we didn't have a tablet to play with.
One of the biggest accomplishments of the film is taking us to the nostalgia of those Summers. Bom Bom Chip's songs, playing dress up, plastic bracelets, disastrous make-up sessions, the feeling of endless vacations. All this through the eyes of a little girl who makes questions in silence. But this is not the best thing of the movie. The performances of the new family, starting with the acting of Laia Artigas as Frida, whom through her eyes and by what she doesn't say, tells us everything that a little girl in that situation can feel. The simplicity in which Carla Simón portrays ordinary life in each and every scene of the movie is what really makes you connect with the story so well. It's a simple and complex tale at the same time but just like in life, at first sight it might seem that nothing happens when in reality everything is happening inside.
There's no doubt that this little masterpiece will earn a lot of prizes and recognition aside the many that has already received but what can't be denied is that we have to keep an eye on Carla Simón because she's the breakout filmmaker in Spanish cinema, and the clearest example is that 'Summer 1993' will represent us in the Foreign Film category at the Academy Awards! Enjoy this movie and you can see some adorable stills after the cut!
sources: grushenko, festivaldemalaga, elpalomitron, elperiodico
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