

"Women feel; men think" and other wrong assumptions about women's art.

The other day i had some sort of debate with a male friend over the fact that there are chick flicks or films and TV shows for girls only and how just because of that, its devalued. I love chick flicks, i really do and i have no problem admitting that, but i get really frustrated when only because of its genre, it can't be taken seriously or your taste in movies is not as grand as you think it is. But the thing is that i can watch those films, as i can watch any movie classics or superhero movies or any kind of features that might be directed to a male audience, and i reached the conclusion that, while guys won't ever watch a chick flick or a romantic comedy because they assume won't like it, it's them that they have the problem, because i can watch pretty much anything and appreciate it for what it is without having any embarrassament over it or being afraid of people questioning my taste.

 i know for a fact that there are guys out there that watch 'Girls' and love it, or have fun with films like 'Mean Girls' – because that's the purpose of the movie, and it's totally valid that some watch them and simply don't like them because they really don't, but i really hate that general thinking of "it's a movie for women" so therefore it can't be good.

This, among other things, is one of the topics of this IndieWire article about Sofia Coppola and her critics, it's a really great post that criticises some aspects of the female filmmaker but also questions all the bad press she receives from male critics mostly, and it's really interesting to read and think about. You can read the full article at the source but here are my fave parts:

With Sofia Coppola's "The Bling Ring" due in theaters this weekend, the perennial debate over the distinction between the director and her characters has again reared its immaculately styled head. Although she's hardly the only filmmaker to come from wealth, Coppola has been uniquely diligent -- or, if you will, obsessive -- in making that privilege the subject of her movies. "The Bling Ring," which features Emma Watson and a cast of largely unknown young actors as pampered teens stealing baubles from the houses of Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Orlando Bloom et al., addresses the subject more directly than any film she's made. Most, though not all, of these kids are rich, but no matter how much they get, they want more. [...]

The attacks on Coppola's upper-class upbringing -- by far the rule, rather than the exception, in Hollywood -- resemble nothing so much as the cries of nepotism directed at Lena Dunham, whose success has also long since surpassed whatever leg up she may have had. It's hardly a coincidence that they're both women, or that neither has made any attempt to hide where she came from. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to take issue with Coppola's work, or Dunham's, but there's also an insidious bias at work, a tacit assumption that women's art is always about themselves while men can stand outside and objectively comment: Women feel; men think. That Coppola might be capable of both is apparently more than some critics can swallow.


  1. Jo també vaig llegir l'article, i vaig pensar el mateix. A IndieWire escriuen un parell de dones que sempre posen aquestes coses a debat, i això m'agrada molt, perquè estic totalment d'acord amb tu. A mí també m'agraden moltes pelis d'acció, i em sembla fatal que hi haja tanta discriminació. De totes maneres dels cinefils de veritat, hi ha molts homes que sí els agrada la Sofia, el que es d'agrair. Estic segura que a Paul Newman, per exemple, li hagueren agradat molt les seues pelis, perquè dos que va dirigir amb la seua dona de protagonista i la seua filla, "Rachel, Rachel" i "The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds" són molt de dones, sobre tot la primera, l'estetica em recordo molt a Virgin Suicides, i el persontage té passatges molt Lux. Fellini també va fer grans pelis sobre les dones amb la seua dona, Giulietta Masina, i també m'agraden molt, i que de fet a moltes dones els agraden per això, i crec que demostren que són tonteries el fer separacions, i que un bon artista, o una bona pelicula no ha de tindre gènere. Són sentiments, relacions de "persones" i ja està, encara que per supost pot agradar-li més o sentir-se més identificada una dona per coses que passen que li semblen familiars, però em sembla una tonteria.

    Ps: m'encanta eixa foto de la Sofia.

    Per cert, he vist el teu comentari al blog ^^ que la Silvia sí té tumblr! El Analog Diary és un tumblr, si punxes sobre les fotos pots donar-li a like i reblogguear. És que té el domini .com però es tumblr:

    I el de Soft Skin també ho es ;)

    un petó gran dear!

  2. Hello again, could you please open a section including the books you have read (recently and/or in your entire life).
    And if is not too much, recommendations as well.

  3. No havia llegit aquest post! M'ha agradat molt l'article. Crec que té a veure amb el fet que moltes vegades els interessos tradicionalment femenins es consideren frivolitats i tonteries, en canvi els interessos tradicionalment masculins no. Véase: si t'interessa la moda ets frívola, si t'interessen el futbol, els cotxes o la tecnologia, d'acord, no és senyal de frivolitat. Una de les frases que m'agrada més de la Coppola és aquesta: "You're considered superficial and silly if you are interested in fashion, but I think you can be substantial and still be interested in frivolity". En realitat, és tan simple com que tots necessitem evadir-nos d'una manera o altra. Que una pel.lícula estigui dirigida per una dona o un home no canvia massa, en els dos casos hi ha una barreja reflexió i sentiment. El problema es que hi ha tan poques dones que dirigeixin i escriguin guions que molts no s'hi han acostumat. Però jo crec que això amb el temps canviarà, o això espero :) un petó Mar!
