

Wenn Es Passiert

I completely forgot about Wir Sind Helden, a German band that i discovered when MTV still played music videos and you could watch it for hours. The band is really nice and fun to sing (i don't know any Deutsch so i have no idea what i'm singing) and there are some great songs like Denkmal, Dur Erkennst Mich Nicht Wieder  and Müssen Nur Wollen, but there's a video from this band that really touched me. i know it's putting myself out there and maybe people won't like it or don't understand, but if you make it to the end of the video maybe you'll get it because it nearly brought me to tears when i first watched it because, ladies and gentleman, this is happiness.

source: youtube

1 comment:

  1. Conec un par de xiques alemanes i sempre els pregunte per música en alemà, però cap de les dues m'havia parlat d'aquest grup i m'ha agradat molt :D A més es diuen Wir Sind Helden... i no sé si ho saps però això és We Are Heroes... i és el que diu Bowie a la versió alemanya que va fer del seu Heroes, així que much love! jaja
