

Things that mattered in 2012:


Jason Wu Spring/Summer 2013 collection was my fave from this year, i have to admit that i haven't paid too much attention to runway shows this year and as i've already posted the campaigns that have caught my eye (Prada, Miu Miu, Rodarte, Chanel, H&M, Urban Outfitters, etc.), here's the collection:



I haven't seen many new films this year (i blame the sucky opening dates for Spain), and while i'm commenting some i liked from this year, i'm also adding a few from last year because i watched them later than i should and they're awesome:

Amour (Love) - Haneke's movies are sure not easy to watch but always worth doing it and this one is not a miss. An exercise of true love, of forever, of "until death do us part", that is so beautiful and tough, this is true love.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower - now this was SUCH a cute movie, one of those you watch the first 5 minutes and you already know you're going to love. Such a nice surprise, must-watch, go watch it now, what are you doing with your lives?

Prometheus - Whoever expected something close to 'Alien's perfection (as it's directed by Ridley Scott) cannot complain about getting disappointed. Because nothing will ever be as amazing as that movie, not nowadays. But the movie is really great, it makes you reflect on the origin of human kind and the reasons behind it, personally i loved it because less is more, Michael Fassbender and Charlize Theron are awesome in it, and i can't wait to see more.

The Avengers - Nerdgams all over, Joss Whedon really directed the best superhero movie after 'The Dark Knight', i've already talked about it but it was amazing and fun to watch on the big screen, just like a kid.

And noone for 'The Dark Knight Rises'!

Movies i highly recommed from 2011 but that i watched this year:

Shame - Michael Fassbender at his best. Twisted story that gets you in the mind and world of a sex addict. It's not perversion, it's an illness and it's really hard to watch sometimes.

Young Adult - When popular girls grow up, sometimes they don't find their place in the world and are stuck behind. The story is really great and Charlize Theron is also flawless in this (when is she not?), a total must-watch too.

50/50 - Not your average movie about cancer, it's not tough to watch but that doesn't mean that there are parts that are really sad. But this movie really expresses that illness is not the end and one can, somehow, continue to feel alive. Joseph Gordon Levitt does great here and there's the amazing Anjelica Huston, reason enough to watch pretty much anything.

Like Crazy - A really nice surprise, really sweet and real love story with a really great young cast. 

TV Shows

There weren't many good new shows this year, not like last year at all, but if one did stand out was 'Girls' (obvs) and i also became obsessed with 'American Horror Story' but here are my top three of best episodes this year:

Game of Thrones 'Blackwater'. The fight, the ending, Cersei getting drunk, the warriors chanting "Halfman, halfman!" it was all flawless. It's no coincidence that both season 1's and s2's 9th episode are the best ones, they're both written by the author itself George R.R. Martin.

Girls 'Welcome to Bushwick aka. The Crackcident' or the party one. Everything was fun and the ending was perfection, this show really went straight to my favourite shows ever, hope it continues being so genuine.

Pretty Little Liars 'This is a Dark Ride' or the Halloween episode that was OMFG, amazing all the way long. I'm so glad i kept watching this show because at first i found it annoying but now it has gotten really, really good.

Also, the 'Desperate Housewives' show finale was fab, 'Grey's Anatomy' has started really, really good too and 'Awkward' was as cool as ever. But noone for 'Gossip Girl'.


Calvin Harris feat. Florence Welch 'Sweet Nothing'

Bloc Party 'Truth'

Santigold 'Disparate Youth' (2 bears remix)

Alt-J 'Bloodflood'

Daughter - Home

Avicii 'Levels'

Christina Aguilera 'Your Body'


Jersey Shore - The final season aired and it was so sad it ended. Many judge me for watching this but i really had the best time seeing it and it wasn't MTV's most watched show ever because of nothing. They will be missed but we'll always have MTV reruns to GTL, DTF, IFF, MVP and Snooki will be my spirit animal always:

Keeping Up with the Kardashians - this was the year that i watched every single reality show from this family (/noshame) and they're all enjoyable and funny (Kourtney, Khloe and Lord Disick the best) but it's amazing to see that even though Kim Kardashian has 5 other siblings, she still acts like an only child, that bitch.


Most popular entries from this year:
  1.  'Healthy and natural' a post defending Scarlett Johansson's cellulite.
  2. 'From best show ever to cancel it already' my review of 'Gossip Girl's finale.
  3. 'Girlbands of the 90s', remember there's a part II of that entry.
  4. 'Skins: Pure, Rise & Fire', entry about the three upcoming final episodes of the show.
  5. '50 best movies of the last 50 years', pretty accurate movie list.



To Instagram or not to Instagram, that is the question. Last week, the Instagram world trembreld when they announced a series of new rules where they basically told you, that they could sell your photos to advertirsers without noticing you about it and without giving you anything back. Oh well, that's nice, many users thought, and decided to delete their accounts if those new terms of service were to be applied and, most importantly, celeb instagramers expressed the same and that's when things change.

Because now it's all a misunderstanding and they have released an update of those new terms of service and they were never, ever, going to sell our photos:

"Instagram has no intention of selling your photos, and we never did. We don't own your photos – – you do."

Yeah, right we all got it wrong. This is what happens when social networks get big and, understandably, they want to make a profit out of it but Instagram is not Facebook, and for good and bad reasons: Facebook can own all the stuff you post there and still noone is gonna quit but Instagram here has done a douchey move, it was a cool social network, one that not everybody was able to have, and it had some sort of elitist status, but it has lost big points for that.

Don't get me wrong, i love Instagram and i'm gonna continue there, and it's not like they were going to sell my photos when there are others out there that have 123450923 likes, but i didn't like the uncertainty of them possibly selling ma pretty pics:


From best show ever to cancel it already, the rise and fall of 'Gossip Girl'.


Remember when 6 years ago 'Gossip Girl' aired and everyone and absolutely everybody loved the show and it was the best thing on TV ever? Well, that didn't last long because after the first season or so (some say after the 2nd), this show turned into a hot mess... and i have to admit i couldn't quit on watching! After the (disastrous/hilarious) show finale and the reveal of who's Gossip Girl, it's time to take a look back and see what were the best and worst things about the show, my guiltiest pleasure, 8 words, 3 letters... whatever, here it is:


Girlbands of the 90s (part II)

I should have done this entry earlier considering it's a follow-up from the Girlbands of the 90s post, but i didn't have the time to post it or something else came along. Anyway, it would have been a failure to remember 90s' girlbands without mentioning or making a proper post about the original creators of "Girl Power", Shampoo!!

The band formed by then teenagers Jacqui and Carrie, got really trashed in the UK for their spoiled and bratty attitude, but they didn't care because they were huge in Japan and sold records like cookies on a school entry. Anyway, they have pretty much fallen into oblivion but their songs are fun to listen at, the lyrics are hilarious and they're riot girls at heart, if i ever were to make a band, they would be my dream band, enjoy my most loved Shampoo songs which never ever sound old:


Girl Power


Skinny White Thing

School is Boring

Also, even though Rebecca & Fiona are the modern electropop version of Shampoo, doesn't this song of Swedish band Icona Pop, which is the theme song from 'Snooki & JWoww', remind you to Shampoo? The lyrics, the music, i think it's fantastic, I love it!

sources: beststuff, lastfm, home.adm & youtube


Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Another excellent movie trivia, again a film with Dustin Hoffman, and again, something about the ending of the movie. If you haven't seen 'Kramer vs. Kramer' this won't spoil you anything, but you should really watch this movie because it's really good, there's the flawless Meryl Streep and it's a real tear-jerker. Anyway, on the very last scene of the film, this happened:

At the end of the very last scene, Meryl Streep, believing that the scene had ended, asked Dustin Hoffman if her eye-make up was messed up from crying. The director kept it in the movie.

The ending is beautiful, it won't make sense if you haven't seen it, but it's a real moment between the actors and that's something really great and a real win to keep it in the movie. It's a small thing but it makes the ending perfect.

sources: lerosier


Wenn Es Passiert

I completely forgot about Wir Sind Helden, a German band that i discovered when MTV still played music videos and you could watch it for hours. The band is really nice and fun to sing (i don't know any Deutsch so i have no idea what i'm singing) and there are some great songs like Denkmal, Dur Erkennst Mich Nicht Wieder  and Müssen Nur Wollen, but there's a video from this band that really touched me. i know it's putting myself out there and maybe people won't like it or don't understand, but if you make it to the end of the video maybe you'll get it because it nearly brought me to tears when i first watched it because, ladies and gentleman, this is happiness.

source: youtube