

Healthy and natural

So, the world is outraged, not by Whitney Houston's tragic death, but by some paparazzi pics of Scarlett Johansson on the beach in Hawaii (what a tough life) showing some skin and some... cellulite? omg the HORROR, a woman in her late 20s having cellulite? how is that so? yeah, it is as silly as that.

So, in one hand we have people criticising Keira Knightley for being too skinny and at the same time saying Scarlett is a fat cow because she has curves and a natural body? like, please, the girl is gorgeous, she has a beautiful figure and this is how a woman should look like. There's already too many pressure on women these days so stop with the nonsense. I don't know why i get so angry when those blogs are from dudes who couldn't get a chance with her or any average looking girl. At least i hope they don't or get herpes if they do. Here are some words of wisdom from the girl Scarlett and one of my fave Whitney songs, just because:

"I hate size sero. You look at these poor women who are objectified by these magazines. I'm never going to be able to look at a runway model and say: 'I´ll try my best to look like that'. I think it's important for young girls to hear that from someone like me."

Omg, i forgot that the flawless ladies of TLC made an appearance on this vid! oh, how i loved that band <3

1 comment:

  1. Tota la raó... como jo et vaig dir estàn locos els periodistes! Sempre amb les mateixes bojeries... tant la Scarlett com Keira estàn genials, cadascuna d'elles amb la seua forma natural, i punt ;) Lo de la Whitney, també han dit coses molt roins d'ella alguns periodistes que crec que tampoc ve a compte.
