

Sleeping Beauty (2011)

I watched 'Sleeping Beauty' the other night and it was pretty twisted. I won't reveal much, it's not a film for everyone but it's like the decay of a modern sleeping princess. I liked it but it's not one of those i would recommend or watch again. The interesting part is that it's more faithful to the original tale by the brothers Grimm than the Disney version that everyone knows. In the original one, the prince did not wake her with a kiss but raped her and when she gave birth to two children, she woke up when one of the babies sucked her finger. So that's not at all like the fairy tale version we all know. And the movie has a lot of dark connections to this old tale, which is what i liked about it. Nightmares for the sleeping beauty.

sources: youtube, centreux, melloves, wikipedia

1 comment:

  1. La vaig veure el diumenge i estic d'acord amb tu, encara que sí la recomanaria a gent que li agrada el cinema com a mi perquè crec que és interessant, però no tornaria a veure-la perquè em produeix eixa sensación d'angoixa i malestar com "La Pianista" de Haneke. Emily està genial, m'agrada molt aquesta actriu, i sobre la història original ha estat investigant, perquè sabia alguna cosa però no que era tan forta la història, pel que he llegit la dona del que la viola després vol matar als xiquets i tot :_ Al menys eixa és la original de finals del XVII escrita per Giambattista Basile, que després va utilitzar Perrault, i després els Grimm.
