

Murray Xmas

Christmas is all about eating, drinking and watching movies while you eat a little bit more, so here are my top 5 movies to watch during the holidays on those boring afternoons when all the shops are closed and you're nursing a hangover, Murray Xmas everyone:

Edward Scissorhands (1990)

Little Women (1994)

Groundhog Day (1993)

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Home Alone (1990)

Love Actually (2003)


to dye or not to dye

Colours looks so pretty on any hair colour, so, so pretty, i need to do this sometime soon cause if i regret it, then i can always cut my ends. Pink looks lovely but blue is the colour for me. We'll see if i dare and dye. But really, how amazing does it look?


Sleeping Beauty (2011)

I watched 'Sleeping Beauty' the other night and it was pretty twisted. I won't reveal much, it's not a film for everyone but it's like the decay of a modern sleeping princess. I liked it but it's not one of those i would recommend or watch again. The interesting part is that it's more faithful to the original tale by the brothers Grimm than the Disney version that everyone knows. In the original one, the prince did not wake her with a kiss but raped her and when she gave birth to two children, she woke up when one of the babies sucked her finger. So that's not at all like the fairy tale version we all know. And the movie has a lot of dark connections to this old tale, which is what i liked about it. Nightmares for the sleeping beauty.

sources: youtube, centreux, melloves, wikipedia


Women with scarves on their heads

You see them everyday, the spitting image of cancer, fighting their illness with no privacy, no intimacy, a scarf revealing their biggest fear. It's that cruel, there's no room for pretending to be fine, everyone instantly knows while they have to put on a brave face for the world to see and carry on.

I have to look away everytime i see one of them, not cause i find it disgusting or anything like that, but because there are enough eyes on them already. Scarves to burn once they overcome it or to hang when they arrive home.


The cold winds are rising

OMG OMG OMG, can this show be any better? at first, i didn't want to watch it but thankfully J (who btw never reads this blog), made me watch it and now i'm waiting for April like mad, just like i'm waiting for May for 'The Avengers'.

Anyway, this was without a doubt, the best show from 2011 and if you haven't seen it yet then you don't know what's good, but this makes me wonder, should i make a post with the best and worst of the year? lists can be annoying but we'll see if i make one of those, but really, who cares about that? Winter is coming and the cold winds are rising!

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Rebecca & Fiona

Rebecca & Fiona are Swedish, one is blonde, the other brunette, they dj and like electropop and that's pretty much it. They remind me of Shampoo but with better clothes and more dance tunes. They have finally released their first album 'I Love You, Man' and while some songs are not that good, there are others that are total hits beginning with 'Bullets' or 'Luminary Ones' (which is not included on the album, boo) but their music always make you want to dance, so here are the songs that i really love of them, classy electropop is what we have here.

source: vampyrpojke


Written and directed by Woody Allen

Woody Allen turned 76 years-old on December 1st and we all have to cherish the work of this little old man, every year he treats us with a new movie, it might be a good one or a bad one, but it's always a pleasure to go the movies and see his work and his vision about love, life and death. So here are some random images of his movies, just because and for no reason, because anything this man does, has to be watched and enjoyed.

Manhattan (1979)

Bananas (1971)
Midnight in Paris (2011)

Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993)
Annie Hall (1977)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)

Annie Hall (1977)

Annie Hall (1977)

Annie Hall (1977)

Annie Hall (1977)

Scoop (2006)

Manhattan (1979)

Annie Hall (1977)

Manhattan (1979)

Celebrity (1998)

Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993)

Interiors (1978)

Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)

Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)

Manhattan (1979)

Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)

Annie Hall (1977)

Scoop (2006)

Match Point (2005)

Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)

Deconstructing Harry (1997)

Macth Point (2005)

Interiors (1978)

Sleeper (1973)