

'Scream Queens' trailer

This looks so good i can't even. The 'Scream Queens' trailer is out and it looks bananas. Set in a sorority and with the ultimate scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis, the show is filled with celebs and young actors like Abigail Breslin, Lea Michele, Diego Boneta, Keke Palmer, Nick Jonas or Ariana Grande, but the real star of the series, besides Mrs. Curtis, it's gonna be Emma Roberts.

I can't even explain how much i adore Emma Roberts, ever since 'Wild Child' where she was already playing this bitchy character she does so great, and in 'American Horror Story: Coven' she became a queen. Many will say she doesn't have a range and can only play these type of characters, but they should watch 'Palo Alto' to speak properly about her acting. But, enough with my love for her, the show looks like my perfect cup of tea for a guilty pleasure, and as i'm done with 'American Horror Story' because Jessica Lange is out and Lady Gaga is in (WTF), i can't wait to watch this hot mess:


It's series finale time! (part II)

It's already time to discuss all the other seasons finales that i've seen from shows that i needed to catch up or have had finales recently, so just like i did before with 'Broad City', 'The Comeback', 'Pretty Little Liars' and 'Hart of Dixie', let's do some recap. Spoilers aheaaaaad!

New Girl (season 3) - I can't understand how this show has been renewed for yet another season. I like it, but i think it has lost its freshness. I actually only watched it when i had nothing else left to see. Still, the finale was a really great episode and with really interesting things coming ahead (they linked Schmidt's proposal to the first season so that made me excited about it, and also, Jess and Nick again). I think this season has been really weak and most episodes are disposable but maybe in season 4 (probably its last) they will get the show back to how funny and cool it was and wrap it up in a nice way.

Barely Famous (season 1) - Now this was a nice surprise. I heard from this new show from a friend and also because of the amount of celebs appearing on it and little did i expect this show to be this good. I mean, it's nice as a comedy but as a reality show - what it pretends, it's really genius. I liked Sarah Foster on '90210', she really does great playing bitch so she was great on this. This show is such a great parody of reality shows and Hollywood that even if you don't watch them you will love 'Barely Famous'. Give it a watch because it's really a funny, witty, guilty pleasure.

Cougar Town (series finale!) - Even though this show needed to end, i'm going to miss this bunch of weirdos. It is hard at first to get hooked on this show, the characters are very particular and everyone has their own sense of humour, but once you do, it's fantastic. And it's a grower. Maybe the last season was its worst, but i really recommend this show. Their love for drinking wine at all hours, their changes in the meaning of words ("Change approved!"), Ellie mocking Laurie always, Laurie's amazing stories about her life, Bobby's penny can, Bobby's and Andy's bromance,  Tom's creepy but kinda adorable ways, Jules' collection of big glasses that 'passed away' during the seasons... Everything was funny, witty, and made you feel good when watching it. It's a kinda underrated sitcom so that's a shame but it ended in a super nice way and had a great finale.

Grey's Anatomy (season 11) - This season has passed quite fast for me, i didn't realize it was close to the end until the very end. But so far it was interesting with the case of Nicole Herman (played by the flawless Geena Davis), the loss of April's and Avery's baby (i liked that how he reacted to her during the finale because everything was all about her and never him) or Meredith's and Alex's closeness. But the stellar plot has been, in fact, Meredith and Derek. His death was unexpected, and the way it happened was so sad, all alone in a hospital far from home, that it was good old Grey's. It was up to the greatness of some of the first seasons' finales and the carousel scene, played over and over on Meredith's mind, was very on point. I like 'Grey's Anatomy' because they always link everything to the past, and there's never a loose end. I expected though, that they would mention Cristina at some point, because you know she would have been there like a rock besides Mer if she was still on the show. But well, i'm glad that there's another season coming. Maybe it should be its last, but they keep making things so good i won't complain if there are more.

sources: wikia & bustle


Bar Luce by Wes Anderson

I die. Wes Anderson has exclusively designed a cafe as part of Prada's Fondazione Prada in Milan's recently opened art and cultural centre and it's a totally gorgeous place.

Anderson is known for it's pretty and cool aesthetics on his movies so no wonder Bar Luce was going to be such a great place for all those dreamy Wes Anderson's fans. From the jukebox, the 'Life Acuatic' pinball machine, to the pretty design of the chairs, sofas and floors, and the detailed Bar Luce signature on every dish and uniform, the director has described this cafe as "the perfect place to write a movie", and it definitely is.

If i ever travel to Milano, which i've never visited yet, don't ever doubt that i'm visiting this cafe and taking tons of pictures as the ones i'm posting below from instagram users, it couldn't be a more dreamy place to have a cafe and spend a nice afternoon with friends. Check out more pics after the cut.


Britney Spears & Iggy Azalea 'Pretty Girls'

I was really expecting the 'Pretty Girls' music video, Britney Spears' collaboration with Iggy Azalea, because the song is as catchy as it can be and with those lyrics, it had to be something fun. And it is. Some are complaining about the video but 'Pretty Girls' is a silly pop song, with dumb lyrics, so the vid had to be as ridiculous as it is.

 Located in the 80s (that's a win with me), every single thing on the video is so absurd it's fabulous. It kinda gave me 'Clueless' and 'Barbie Girl' vibes and even though the cellphone part is some obvious heavy advertisement, the rest is simply fantastic. Enjoy this video as what it is, something bubbly, fun and silly, like bees to the honey because "We're just so pretty!"


Top 10 Movie Theatres around the World

This list is so fantastic that i had to post it here. It's a top 10 of the best movie theatres around the world and some are really astonishing. From cinemas with beds instead of seats, to outdoor screens or drive-in theatres, i got to admit that i would die to watch a favourite movie on any of these (well, maybe not in a cinema like number 6 but well). Anyway, take a look at all these marvellous places because it has to be a pleasure be in one of them. The full list after the cut!

1. Hollywood Studios California
This drive-in theatre gives nostalgia feels at all those classic drive-ins i saw in movies. Despite the original source claiming it's located in California, another source says it's really Disney World's Sci-fi Dine-In theatre, but anyway, it's a really great place. I've never been to one these drive-in theatres so one outdoors would be my dream movie date.


MET Costume Institute Gala 2015: China Through the Looking Glass

Surprisingly, this year Met Gala's theme was totally on point for many. That means two things, one, that it was good and nearly everyone tried their best and second that many failed while trying. But that's better than not trying at all and just attempt to look pretty so let's take a look at all the ladies on this year's Met Gala because i think this has been a really good year (finally!). I'm not going to comment on hot messes like Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Anne Hathaway or Madonna (i'm posting though, Dakota Johnson's cute clutch above) but check out all the pretty dresses after the cut!

 Personally, i think Fan Bingbing has been the absolute queen at this year's gala in this Christopher Bu sequined dress and cape. 


'Avengers: Age of Ultron' (2015)

I really loved 'The Avengers', it's a perfect blockbuster superhero film that is both entertaining and funny so i expected more of that with 'Avengers: Age of Ultron', but well, it's not as great.

'Age of Ultron' is not bad but it's far from the amazeness that was the first movie. The problem is that there's too much action. Yeah, i know this is a superhero movie but so was the first one and it had the perfect amount of battles, but with 'Age of Ultron' there's an overload of those. There's fighting in the beginning (good), fighting in the middle (ok), more fighting in the middle (yawn) and (of course) a lot of fighting towards the end. Both the beginning and the ending are fantastic, the final part of the movie is what really makes up for the rest, but there's an unnecessary amount of fighting scenes and that makes the film boring.

Another sucky thing is the romance plot. There was no need for that or at least, it could have been carried away in a better way than that. So, apparently, all those Clintasha shippers (Clint and Natasha) were wrong and what the Black Widow really wanted was the Hulk (no matter that arrow necklace she wore on 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier'). That's not the problem, the problem was the openness of it. Something more subtle alas Mulder and Scully would have been a lot better and less cheesy (the lullaby thing, really?). But well, on the bright side we got to see Black Widow's past and her upbringing to become a Russian spy and those flashbacks were amazing "You still think you're the only monster on the team?" (*heart breaks*). It's so necessary that a Black Widow movie is released but seeing how Marvel doesn't even include her in the merchandise of the movie, we can no longer hope for that.

Another amazing thing of the film were the twins, they were fucking awesome. I expected to see more of them but well, what we got was brilliant. Too bad Quicksilver died so we won't get to see more of him but he was great in all the movie. Scarlett Witch was the absolute scene stealer of the movie (in 'Avengers' it was the Hulk), and i'm so glad that she's now a newbie Avenger.

The revelation of Hawkeye's real life was also nice, something i don't think noone saw coming and it made you root for him. I don't think he was the best part of the movie as many claim but he wasn't the weakest as he uses to be (in my opinion, ofc).

Overall, not everything was bad in 'Age of Ultron' but not equally as great as in 'The Avengers'. Of course all sequels are not up to its predecessors ('The Godfather II', 'Aliens' or 'Before Sunset' are exceptions) but it's also entertaining to see though it has less humor and more action (which is the key of the problem of the movie). But i recommend it to watch with less expectations and a lot of popcorn, the final part is fantastic and saves the whole movie so keep that in mind and have patience while watching it.

Bonus, a trailer made by SNL of a Black Widow movie, see Marvel? it's not that difficult: