

Hot child in the city

The first official trailer for 'The Carrie Diaries' is out and well, one has to keep in mind that this won't be anything like the series, just like with the movies, either that or pretend this doesn't exist. But even though i like to think that the films never happened, i'm still gonna watch the pilot and give this hot mess a try. I haven't read the book yet and have no hopes whatsoever for this show, (if it didn't work out with the 80s spin-off 'Gossip Girl' tried to make with Lily Rhodes/Van der Woodsen/Bass, it won't work with this) but well, decide for yourselves, here's the trailer (footage starts at 0:18'):


Skins 7 - Pure, Rise and Fire

'Skins' 7th season news! 

The show will return with three final episodes centred on Cassie (Hannah Murray), Cook (Jack O'Connell) and Effy (Kaya Scoledario) in three individual stories where Emily (Kat Prescott) and Naomi (Lily Loveless) will be making appearances. The three episodes are titled 'Pure' (Cassie's story), 'Rise' (Cook's) and 'Fire' (Effy's story) and the show will be back on Spring 2013.

These are good news since my fave character (Cassie) will be back but it sucks that there are so little appearances from the other cast members, when there are so many! Maybe they're keeping everything under wraps and surprise us all but let's hope many more characters pop up during those eps. I'm not gonna say again who i want to be back but at least, let's hope those three eps are a good farewell for a really good show, well at least until season 4.

sources: kerriandeva


Brad Pitt for Chanel No.5

Brad Pitt is the first man in history to represent a women's fragance as he has become the face of Chanel's iconic No.5 fragance which campaign has just been released.

Directed by Joe Wright (who's tasteful work includes 'Atonement' and 'Pride & Prejudice'), the ad and the whole campaign is a great idea on itself, but the TV advertisement is simply so unimpressive, so dull, there's nothing to it. Which yet again brings back how difficult is to sell a fragance, something you cannot perceive unless you don't smell it yourself and up to this day, this is something only Sofia Coppola with the Miss Dior Chérie ad has achieved, but i will be posting that some other time.

 But this has nothing to do with Brad Pitt, he will be forever hot and a pleasure to look at and he just earned $7 million for  this contract, that's how he does it.

sources: simplybrad


Top Chick Flicks

Yesterday was October 3rd (and also a Wednesday!) and because of this, it's the Mean Girls' day, it's as silly that:

I should have posted it then but i really forgot and uploaded something else but this deserved a post. Why? Because want it or not, 'Mean Girls' it's the chick flick of the 00s. There's not other movie like that on that period, so funny, cheeky, cool and good (yes, GOOD) as that one. Which reminds me of the three superior chick flicks of the last decades: There was 'Heathers' ('Escuela de jóvenes asesinos'), on the 80s, 'Clueless' on the 90s and 'Mean Girls' on the 00s and it doesn't get better than this. Of course there are some others like 'Never Been Kissed', 'Now & Then' or 'Bring It On' for some people (i've never, ever, liked that movie) but those three are the Queen Bees of that genre, those marked girly movies when they came out and while we're still waiting for the chick flick of this decade ('Bridesmaids' is a close one but does it fit that genre when there's no highschool involved?) here are some reminders on why these three movies are so great (and i love them so much):


'The Graduate' (1967)

Sometimes it's the little things and details that happen during filming that make it onto the movie giving it a whole new meaning than the originally intended. This is the case of the most remembered scene of 'The Graduate' and also one of the most memorable endings in cinema, when Benjamin finally runs away with Elaine to start a new life away from the pressure and the directions of their parents. It is flawless because at first they're laughing in the bus, feeling all the joy and excitement of the moment, but all of a sudden they stop smiling and remain silent and pensive, as if they were considering what the hell they have just done. Well, that may be what you can take out of that scene but according to director Mike Nichols (who also directed the flawless 'Closer'), this was a result of something else:

Director Mike Nichols claims that the final "sobering"emotion that Benjamin and Elaine go through was due to the fact that he had just been shouting at the two of them to laugh in the scene. The actors were so scared that after laughing they stopped, scared. Nichols liked it so much, he kept it.

I'll be posting more trivia like this, because it really makes you look at scenes in a different way, for some these type of things might be a downer, but i think it's part of the beauty of cinema, that even the unexpected things that occur out of the script can turn out to be great moments in cinema history.