

Fuck yeah The Avengers

(No spoilers)

So I've been waiting to watch this movie ever since it was announced production and even though it had really good reviews, i didn't want to have too many expectations in case it sucked but.... it was AMAZING. Not so many times you find yourself in a theater watching a movie and enjoying it like a kid, laughing, clapping at the end, seriously, it was great. It had humour, intrigue, looots of action and a really charismatic cast that couldn't be more perfect:

Mark Ruffalo as The Hulk steals the show, the mix of his good natured human side versus the motherfuckin' Hulk it's really great and perhaps he wasn't anyone's favourite, as Edward Norton was the first Hulk, but Ruffalo does really great.

Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man is as flawless as always, gotta love this man's wit, nothing new here.

The Asgardian brothers, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston), i already adored them because i loved 'Thor' (so much better than 'Captain America'), two charming men and Hiddleston as Loki only reminds me of how only nice people can play very bad villains.

Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow was amazing, her role was poorly written in 'Iron Man 2' but here she's given a really decent part, her acting is awesome and accurate and there are hints of a Black Widow spin-off movie that after watching this i'm totally up for.

Chris Evans as Captain America was fine, i didn't like much his solo movie but well, here he was really great but nothing impressive to me.

Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye is, maybe, the one i think that doesn't shine as the others because of less screentime, but still is an interesting character and i loved his scenes with Black Widow.

And what's left to say about Samuel L. Jackson, Clark Gregg (<3), Stellan Skarsgard and Cobie Smulders? What i really liked, and with the exception of Hawkeye, is that all the superheroes got a really decent amount of screentime, all characters and their stories were nicely developed and that can only be a win. So if you have watched all the other Marvel movies, or at least 'Thor', you should go watch and enjoy this. Thank you Joss Whedon for making the best superhero movie one could make.

And also, my god, how perfect is this cast at the movie's premieres? They key name of the project wasn't "Group Hug" because of nothing.

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Skins (2007-2012)

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It's been a while since i last updated but i'm back and had time to catch up with aaall the tv shows i'm watching, and i finally watched the 'Skins' season finale and the ending of the show after 5 years and three different casts.

The show started really good at first, with a genuine cast of teenage actors which served to many of them to make it into decent movies or projects (Nicholas Hoult in 'A Single Man' or 'X-Men: Origins', Dev Patel in 'Slumdog Millionaire', Kaya Scoledario in 'Wuthering Heights', Joe Dempsie in 'Game of Thrones' just like Hanna Murray who was also in 'Womb'). Those mainly belong to generation 1 (seasons 1 & 2) so it had a lot of quality in that part.

The show had a perfect formula, it centered the cast for two seasons and then got a brand new one for the following two seasons - with the exception of Kaya Scoledario who played Effie on season 1 and 2, and got back with her new posie for seasons 3 and 4. But it was a refreshment for the show and the viewer even though the last generation for seasons 5 and 6 was not as good as the two previous ones. Also, the show was incredibly good at the beginning, it made a really good portrayal of teenagers nowadays but when they made them evolutionate as young adults (which always happened in the second season that the generation had), the show stopped to be believable or relatable, it was just a big mess.

Still, even though it was time to end it, it's a really good show and i would especially recommend the first two seasons, with the first original cast, and the third and fourth seasons are not bad at all, but not as good. Seasons 5 and 6? Only if you really love it.

So here are some of the show's best moments and some of its past greatness:


To die for

I'm in love with Miu Miu's limited One-of-a-kind handbags, well, everything Miu Miu is really to die for and this new collection is as classy and ladylike as the brand uses to be. It's a total of 46 bags and i was willing to go to Miu Miu's store in Barcelona this June to go and admire them but these can only be found in the brand's shops in New York, Paris, London or Milan, so it's a downer. Of course, my broke ass can't afford any of these but i'm still going to check out the Barcelona shop and see their beautiful stuff anyway, a girl can dream.

Also, if i had to choose between all these bags, i would surely pick any of these two precious bags below, but if it only had to be one, then it had to be the pink one, when in doubt, always go with the pink.


To Rome with Love (2012)

Woody Allen's upcoming movie 'To Rome with Love' has a trailer and it looks lovely! Of course, it's another Woody movie in another European city but it doesn't have any less charm or less wit for that, even though i could do with less Penélope, how atrocious is her Italian and how much typecasted is her now? She was splendid in 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona' but here... maybe i'm wrong and i have yet to see the movie but so far it's awful. Anyway, the movie premieres in Summer and it has a really interesting cast, Alec Baldwin, Ellen Page, Roberto Benigni, Judy Davis, Jesse Eisenberg... and Woody Allen himself!

Gotta be grateful for new Allen movies coming every year because one day... i don't even want to think about it.

sources: screencrave & youtube


The fair at night

It's the little things that make you happy and this week has been particularly tough to me, but i got emotional remembering that i was about to see one of the things that cheer me up just because, the view of the fair at night from my mom's house, it's my little Coney Island from my old bedroom window, a view that i could stare at for hours. Of course, my cellphone's camera sucks and you can't fully appreciate it, but it's one of my favourite things to see in the whole world. And because the week has thankfully had a happy ending (and i got a job!) here's a song to cheer up and celebrate the good times coming.

Anoraak 'Nightdrive with you' (Fear of Tigers remix)

source: my instagram