

Comeback in pink

 You may think whatever you want about Christina Aguilera, i've never been myself a fan even though i have her first album but who doesn't? Anyway, the thing is that some of her songs are cool, 'Dirrty', 'Lady Marmalade', 'What A Girl Wants'... but her new single 'Your Body' is a total hit. It is what it is, and the music video is lots of fabulosity and tons of pink (pink hair, pink trunk, pink motel, pink explosions, pink sparkle as blood...), tons of kitsch, cheap jewelry, girl power vibes, old school video games, trashy clothes, trashy tv-programs, sugar coated cereals, blue paint also as blood, big trailers, a tanning bed, a "fuck the paparazzi" t-shirt, and funtastic shades that make you remember when back in the day everyone said that Lady Gaga was copying Christina's style. It's a vid full of pop-culture references and this is the way to make a pop video, like the good old times when you could sit infront of the TV and watch MTV for hours.

1 comment:

  1. Jo tampoc ha sigut mai fan, però he de reconéixer que l'àlbum de Dirrty, Beautiful etc. no estava gens malament, i que té una veu increible, encara que la resta de música seua no és el meu estil, però les coses com són :)
    El video és com un Wildfox ft. True Romance (molt Alabama ella jaja) i el estil particular de l'Aguilera :) El cabell pink que porta al final del video és love.
