

'Before Midnight' (2013)

This is the first official still of 'Before Midnight', Richard Linklater's sequel after 'Before Sunrise' (1995) and 'Before Sunset' (2004) and little was known that this was happening. In fact, filming has just wrapped in Greece so one can wonder what destiny had for Jesse and Celine.

I'm not a big fan of sequels, though of course 'The Godfather', 'Alien', 'Indiana Jones', 'Star Wars' and 'Kill Bill' had all flawless follow-up films, but after seeing how wonderful 'Before Sunset' was after 9 years of the first movie, I have high hopes that this third movie is not gonna disappoint. In fact, I think the second movie was better than 'Before Sunrise' with that flawless ending, so if you haven't seen it, don't scrowl down as there are spoilers, but please do you a favour and watch it already.

Here's what the trio, Linklater, Hawke and Delpy, who scored a Best Adapted Screenplay nomination for 'Before Sunset', said about the production:

"It's great to be back together again, this time in beautiful Greece to revisit the lives of Celine and Jesse nine years after Jesse was about to miss his flight."

Because that was one of the best endings ever, perfection made in cinema:

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait either! :) Tinc moltes ganes de veure-la, perquè les altres dos em van encantar. Encara que he de reconéixer que soc més fan encara que de la segona (això sí el final amb Nina Simone i Julie Delpy imitant-la i el baby you're gonna miss that plane és genial) de la primera, per l'inocència que tenia, els dos tant adorables... ella semblava que l'haguessin tret d'un cuadre de Boticcelli, i Ethan era totalment adorable, de Jesse estava perfecte, i per supost perquè de les dos pelicules crec que hi ha mil coses que m'agraden, però l'escena que sempre tinc a la memòria i em fa somriure només de recordar-la i em va arribar moltíssim és aquesta de la primera:
    Els dos sense parlar... la música, em sembla perfecta :)

    A veure com surt Before Midnight... i quines ganas de saber què va passar després del final de la segona.
