Now the plot is kinda lame, it approaches more the line of her latest movie, 'Somewhere', because it deals with the Hollywood industry and fame, than with her three first movies which for me are her best works to date. And Emma Watson... well, i haven't seen a single 'Harry Potter' film and i'm kinda proud of that, i've only seen her in 'Ballet Shoes' and the movie was kinda meh, so i can't judge her acting, but i don't know if she will be as flawless as the previous Sofia girls (Kirsten Dunst, Scarlett Johansson & Elle Fanning).
So far this is the only information about this project and while it doesn't sound too good, in Sofia we trust and we'll see what she does with 'The Bling Ring' but in the meantime, here's her latest work as a director, the tv spot of Marni for H&M collection with Imogen Poots, Morocco Summer love:
sources: hollywoodreporter, e-watson & youtube
I couldn't agree more with you! :) jaja Jo només he vist dos pelis de Harry Potter, les primeres, quan era petita i vaig anar en uns companys de classe... però la veritat, són kinda lame així que tampoc es podia jutjar molt el treball de l'Emma com actriu. No l'ha vist en res més, així que haurà que veure com ho fa... de moment el plot no m'atrau gens :__ i no sé, hi ha altres actrius que m'agradaria veure més treballant amb Sofia, a part de les 3 Sofia girls que tu has nombrat i que saps que m'encanten, m'agradaria veure a la Keira, Mia Wasikowska, Eva Green, Abbey Cornish, Romola Garai, o alguna d'aquestes, més que a Emma Watson. Però com tu dius "in Sofia we trust" :D
ReplyDeleteEl spot està molt xulo, Roxy Music de soundtrack li dona el punt que el fa genial :)
un petó!