

Phoenix's 'Ti Amo'

Phoenix are back with a new record that reminds me to the gloriousness that was their album 'Wolfgang Amadeus' was. Not that they haven't released other great stuff in the meantime, but they didn't deliver such a perfect record like they did back in 2009. But 'Ti Amo' seems to have them back to being fresh, charming and hip with an album full of songs where every track has really something. From the band's first single 'J-Boy' to the marvellous album track that gives the album its name, there's no bad song. And they always manage to elaborate catchy tunes without sounding too washed out or repetitive despite their signature sound.

Anyway, here are the five songs i loved most besides 'J-Boy' or 'Goodbye Soleil' that had already been released, but keep in mind that i practically adored the album from beginning to end so treat yourself and listen to the full album here.

sources: wearephoenix & spotify

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