

Funny or Die's take on Sofia Coppola's 'The Little Mermaid'.

 This is so funny and crazy accurate that any Sofia Coppola movie lover like me is gonna adore it. Funny or Die has recreated what Coppola's upcoming film would look like and mixed a ton of her signature shots from her movies, like the opening from 'Lost in Translation', the karaoke scene, the pool scenes from 'Somewhere', the Chateau Marmont, Trip Fontaine laying on the swimming pool and so on. It's really cute and funny and AnnaSophia Robb and especially, Evan Peters, are really amazing on it.

Watch it because it's something hilarious but nice at the same time: My Little Mermaid (vid won't embed)

sources: nylon & unicornbutter

1 comment:

  1. Com ja et vaig dir, I loved it! M'encanta la foto que has posat amb el títol, com si fora el de Marie Antoinette. La veritat que a més jo tinc especial predilecció per la Little Mermaid des de petita i tinc moltes ganes de veure que fa la Coppola amb la història d'Andersen, i aquesta paròdia és perfecta, estic segura que a la Coppola es riurà si la veu.

    un petó!
