

Iggy Azaela goes 'Clueless'.

Aussie rapper Iggy Azaela has released her new music video 'Fancy' playing homage to chick flick classic 'Clueless' (1995), and she has done it quite right.

Wearing practically the same iconic wardrobe that Cher (Alicia Silverstone) wore in the movie, she re-enacts some scenes of the movie such as Cher giving her speech about the Haitians, Dionne's near car crash, the party scene (Rolling with the homies) and of course, Cher's and Dionne's walk through the highschool alley talking on their phones (iPhones this time).

The song, well, let's say it's not something that Cher would be singing (As if) but the music video is quite cool and they re-enacted the movie quite flawlessly. Enjoy:

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  1. The only thing that was missing was that little dance Cher an Tai do at the party. When Cher gets down and Tai walks around her...? Can't rally explain it, ha.
    Great post, and I love that last gif.

    1. thanks! i remember that dance move, so spontaneous, lol.

  2. M'encanta el gif que has posat! La cançó no és molt my cup of tea, però està bé i el video és genialíssim! M'agrada moltíssim l'estil de Cher, i a més crec que t'ho vaig dir que la vaig veure per fi l'any passat i em va agradar molt i recordo perfectament eixos moments que tant bé han recreat al video. La campanya de Wildfox inspirada en la peli també va ser boníssima, que recordo que la vas posar aquí i just acabava jo de veure la peli :)

  3. Jajajaj mola molt la cançó i el video, tens raó que segurament no seria algo que la Cher escoltaria però sona guai i està ben recreat. No coneixia aquesta rapera, la veritat és que no sóc gaire fan d'aquest tipus de música però la cançó m'ha molat així que en buscaré més d'ella. També m'he recordat de la campanya de Wildfox, com diu la Mara, que també era super xula :-)

    Un petó dear x
