

Behold our next Supreme - American Horror Story Coven finale

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(Spoilers ahead, witches)
There was much anticipation coming with the third season of 'American Horror Story Coven', with such a marvellous female cast, Jessica Lange, Angela Bassett, Kathy Bates, Sarah Paulson, Lily Rabe, Taissa Farmiga, Gabourey Sidibe, Frances Conroy, Jamie Brewer and Emma Roberts, and for me, it didn't disappoint.

Sure it wasn't as creepy and scary as the previous two seasons, even though it had a nice start with some morbid scenes like the gang raping scene, the incestuous relationship between Kyle and his mother, Delphine's crimes, Spalding's doll fetish or Queenie's semi-zoophilic sexual encounter, but this season has mostly been enjoyable in a hilarious way, like a super guilty pleasure. Everything has been more absurd, more over the edge, and maybe people didn't like it as much because they expected something else. Personally, i've really loved it, sure it could have been better with such a good story and  an excellent ensemble, but i've enjoyed everything as i didn't take it too seriously, as i think it was intended.

The finale was good, i didn't expect Cordelia to be the Supreme and it made sense that Fiona hated her daughter all these years because of that, and that final scene between the two of them was really memorable. Sure, this show follows some similar patterns, like Jessica Lange's character dying of cancer in the previous season as well, Misty ended up turning into ashes just like sister Mary Eunice in Asylum, or Cordelia pulling a Lana Banana by giving a TV interview revealing all in both seasons. In all three seasons, the show has started really good, it got interesting until it became a complete mess that ended up with some loose ends. But i was happy with the ending and really loved this season. So i'm posting some of my very fave moments from the show after the cut, sure there are many and i'm missing some, but one has to admit that Emma Roberts was nearly the best thing of this season because let's be honest, the Zoe-Kyle thing was simply boring, and Gabourey Sidibe was also really good, so enjoy the witch bitches and wear something black (NSFW):

Also, how flawless was this wink at 'The Wizard of Oz's scene of the witch is dead?

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1 comment:

  1. A mi també em va encantar! Diferent a les altres dos - no havia pensat en els paralelismes dels personatges de Lange, Lily Rabe i Paulson amb la segona! - però amb un humor genial i més crazy tot com tu has dit, i ho vaig passar genial veient-la. És veritat que Zoe i Kyle no van ser tant genials com la relació entre Farmiga i Peters a la primera temporada, que sí funcionava molt bé, però estava ahí Emma per arreglar-ho ^^ El moment de "The witch is dead" genialíssim, i quan apareix amb el vestit encarnat em va encantar.

    Els moments que has escollit són dels millors. A mí també em va agradar molt l'aparició de Stevie Nicks, perquè soc molt fan de Fleetwood Mac, pot ser no tant com Misty Day haha. Va ser molt bonic quan va tocar el piano al final amb Jessica flawless Lange escoltant-la. Frances Conroy l'adoro des de Six Feet Under i a aquesta temporada ha tingut un paper més relevant que a les altres, amb lo de la fashion i Balenciaga em va encantar. I Sarah Paulson aquí també, encara que Lana era un molt bon paper, m'ha agradat més. Lange com sempre és lo millor, i quan es van juntar ella i Bassett va ser the queens of badassery, i Kathy Bates (el moment de "lies" va ser un dels meus favorits) amb Gabourey Sidibe em van agradar moltíssim, Jamie Brewer de Nan total, i l'aparició de Danny Huston també va ser un moment molt bo.
