Shot between the Louvre in Paris and the canals of Venice, it shows a decadent masked ball which recalls the one in 'Labyrinth', where Bowie also stars and which is one of my fave movies ever, so this couldn't be more perfect. The shortfilm, titled 'L'Invitation Au Voyage', also features model Arizona Muse and is directed by Romain Gavras, and will premiere on the label's app on November 7, so we'll see it in full very soon. In the meantime, here's the teaser that already looks delicious, kinda like a Marie Antoinette meets Labyrinth party, aka perfection:
UPDATE: the director's cut:
I love it! M'encanta, m'encanta Bowie <3 i aquesta idea amb una mica d'inspiració de Labyrinth i lo del carnaval a Venecia em sembla una idea meravellosa. Ho vaig veure fa un parell de dias i ho tinc on repeat haha a més amb escollit la cançó de I'd rather be high que és una de les meues favorites del nou disc, crec que queda perfecta aquí, i qui puguera sentar-se amb el Bowie al piano com l'Arizona Muse ^^