

What Sofia Coppola's 'The Bling Ring' is really about

When Sofia Coppola announced her 5th production, everyone was like, 'whaaat'. Here's the plot:

Inspired by actual events, a group of fame-obsessed teenagers use the internet to track celebrities' whereabouts in order to rob their homes.

So not Sofia like. Maybe this movie will have a closer approach to 'Somewhere' (2010) – winner of the Golden Lion for Best Picture at the Venice Film Fest.– because is set in Hollywood and deals with celebrities and fame, but still, it sounded weird. Even more weird if you have seen the 'Pretty Wild' reality show, based on the lives of some of the girls of the gang. The show was taped at the same time one of the girls, Alexis Neiers – in which Emma Watson's character is based – was arrested on suspicion of burglarizing Orlando Bloom's home. And that was the start. We got an inside look at her legal troubles while trying to pursue a modelling career with her sister, a look into their family life – their mom was batshit crazy – and the sudden rise to that so-desired fame for all the wrong reasons.

I really can get why Sofia Coppola could be interested in their story though. These were a bunch of brats that got their way and broke into any celeb home they wanted, Paris Hilton's, Rachel Bilson's, Paul Oakenfold (who was the DJ of Alexis' younger sister Sweet 16 party and recognised her as one of the buglars, epic moment of the reality show) and many others, getting everything they wished for, expensive jewelry, designer clothes, couture, a look into their private places and they did it because they could. And as for this project being a totally different thing from her previous ones, Miss Coppola has said:

  "I was curious about these kids growing up always aware of their audience, constantly posting pictures online. For visual references, I borrowed the cellphones of my actors and studied their Facebook and Myspace pages. This world isn't as visually beautiful as some of my other films. It's more Pop."

And it looked nice as hell in the teaser of the movie so i-cannot-wait. The movie is gonna be shown at the Cannes Film Festival (out of competition) so after the cut, there's the first clip of the movie, with the gang hanging out at the very own home of Paris Hilton (she's believed to make a cameo as well), and after that, the teaser of the reality show in which the movie is based, as well as a ton of new stills, take a look, you know you want to:

'Pretty Wild' season promo



  1. M'agrada el projecte perquè és molt diferent a tot el que la Sofia fa. Tinc moltes ganes de veure la peli, tot aquest rotllo de gent colant-se a casa de famosos m'encanta, tot i que crec que la gent està loquísima. No tenia ni idea de que hi havia un reality show sobre això de fet. Quan s'estrena aquí??

    Petonets guapa x

  2. La veritat és que des que vaig veure la primera info sobre l'argument (crec que va ser al teu blog de fet ^^) m'ha donat un poc de por... soc molt fan de la Sofia, com ja saps, i m'agraden totes les pelis que ha fet, unes més altres menys, però totes m'han agradat prou i són molt faves. Però aquest argument el trobe més superficial que la resta, pot ser després no ho siga, perquè Marie Antoinette també havia gent que dia que ho era jo crec que tot el contrari, el personatge de Marie Antoinette és genial i ple d'emocions, així que esperaré a veure-la. I encara que no me desagrada el rotllo cultura pop, sí que crec que visualment els altres trailes a mí personalment m'havien atraigut més, amb la música, les imatges més bucoliques, però tinc confiança amb la Sofia i espero que no defraude. El poster de les sunglasses em sembla molt graciós ^^

    un petó dear!
