

Amour (2012)

The Academy Award nominations were announced yesterday and while i don't have much hope in the Oscars since 'The Shawshank Redemption' (Cadena perpetua), that modern masterpiece, received no awards, it's always nice to rant and root for movies that won't get as much recognition as they deserve.

This year I'm rooting for 'Amour' (Love), exquisitely directed by Michael Haneke and and nominated to 5 awards: Best Picture, Best Foreign Language Film, Best Actress for Emmanuelle Riva, Best Director and Best Original Screenplay. And how can i explain 'Amour'? I already posted it among the best movies of last year and the film is an exercise of true love, of the cruel decay of a person, of patience and caring, of what really means forever together. It is tough to watch, there are parts of terror and fear, but most importantly is a heartbreaking movie, full of love and tenderness among the cruelty of a person that fades while we're left to witness it.

There might be sploilers in the stills i posted behind the cut so be sure to watch it first.


  1. No he mirat les fotos que has posat, ja los vorè quan veja la peli, però estic totalment d'acord en que els Oscar, com amb Cadena Perpetua, amb moltes altres, deixen passar moltes pelis que m'agraden. De fet em fa molta més ilusió veuré els guanyadors del Festival de Venecia, Cannes, o els European Film Awards, o Sundance, que aquestos. Els Globes també els tolere millor haha encara que sí que a la categoria d'actor aquest any m'agraden molt els nominats... no he vist encara The Master, però segur que Joaquin Phoenix ha fet un gran paper... m'agradaria que guanyara ell ja que el Day-Lewis (L) ja en té dos...

    Amour he de veure-la ^^ Molt fan del Trintignant, en especial per Un home et une femme, una d'eixes pelis que m'encanten. I a més Riva és molt bona, Isabelle Huppert m'encanta també, i el Haneke és molt bó. Espero veure-la prompte, ja te contaré. Petó!

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