Woody Allen turned 76 years-old on December 1st and we all have to cherish the work of this little old man, every year he treats us with a new movie, it might be a good one or a bad one, but it's always a pleasure to go the movies and see his work and his vision about love, life and death. So here are some random images of his movies, just because and for no reason, because anything this man does, has to be watched and enjoyed.

Manhattan (1979)
Midnight in Paris (2011)
Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993)
Annie Hall (1977)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)
Annie Hall (1977)
Annie Hall (1977)
Annie Hall (1977)
Annie Hall (1977)
Scoop (2006)
Manhattan (1979)
Annie Hall (1977)
Manhattan (1979)
Celebrity (1998)
Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993)
Interiors (1978)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)
Manhattan (1979)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)
Annie Hall (1977)
Scoop (2006)
Match Point (2005)
Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008)
Deconstructing Harry (1997)
Macth Point (2005)
Interiors (1978)
Sleeper (1973)
Vaja post més xulo! Aquest el posaré en la meua pàgina del face... m'ha encantat, totes les fotos són precioses.