

Behind-the-scenes of the last days of 'Twin Peaks'.

Even to this day, i still believe that 'Twin Peaks' is the best show ever. Sure it had a decay in quality on its second season but no other tv show impacted the way it did on television and as a cultural phenomenon. Everyone got hooked on the "Who killed Laura Palmer" mystery and everyone got fascinated by it. It was a new thing on television, a new way to do a tv series that influenced other tv shows that came afterwards (the most clear example that i can recall is 'The X Files').

As the show was cancelled and the in-house photographer had quit, Richard Beymer (who was no other than Bejamin Thorne), took a series of photos during the last days of filming and the pics are quite extraordinary. It captured the whole mood of those last  scenes in the Black Lodge and allows to take a look behind the scenes of the ending of one of the most epics tv shows to date. Recently there were some rumours of David Lynch filming some new footage of 'Twin Peaks' which led people to think about a possible third season in the making, but it was only some promo footage for the upcoming Blu-ray coming out, as 25 years have passed since the show first aired.

Anyway, enjoy the darkness of these last photos and if you are a David Lynch fanatic, be sure not to miss Daughter of the SoHo Riots amazing two posts about his career, it's really a treat for any Lynch movie lover. Many more bts photos at the source:



sources: welometotwinpeaks

1 comment:

  1. Aquestes fotos són genialíssimes! I jo estic totalment d'acord amb tu. Best series ever. A més de lo boníssima que va ser, com t'ho dius, ha tingut una gran influència a altres series. Inclós, sense tindre res que veure amb el misteri, a Mad Men - no sé si has seguit veient-la, reconcec que al principi és un poc densa i pot ser per això et va cansar un poc - mateixa es nota a les últimes temporades un humor molt influenciat per Lynch, inclós han fet que un personatge porte un pegat a l'ull i és tot perquè al creador li agrada molt Twin Peaks.

    I thanks per compartir els posts de Daughter, estar a ATF és tot un honor! ^^
