

Woody Allen returns to New York with 'Blue Jasmine'.

It wasn't too long ago that Woody Allen filmed a movie on his beloved city, ('Whatever Works' on 2009) but it feels like a decade since we've seen him back to his own element. Because maybe going back to where he started will be a good thing.

He's been filming abroad since 2005, and while some movies he has done out there are good ('Match Point' is a modern masterpiece, 'Scoop' is hilariously underrated and 'Vicky Cristina Barcelona' and 'Midnight in Paris' were fine) it feels that in many of those something is missing. As much as we love Woody filming on our city (i got the chance to see him filming on the streets of Barcelona!), his movies haven't been as Woody-esque as they used to be. And that's maybe because of his love affair with New York.

'Blue Jasmine' will be his return and it centers on the last stages of a crisis and the life of a fashionable New York housewife, and that's what Woody knows. Not that he knows the world and drama of fashionable housewives today, unless he watches all those reality shows which i doubt, but he knows about midlife crisis and women and that's a good start. The film stars Cate Blanchett (flawless), Alec Baldwin (who was the only likeable thing of 'To Rome with Love'), Michael Stuhlbarg, Peter Sarsgaard and Louis C.K. among others and below there are the first stills. The movie comes out on theatres July 26th and let's hope it's good old Woody, like the one we fell in love with.

sources: movieweb


  1. Cate Blanchett can do now wrong! L'adoro a aquesta dona, és fantàstica. Jo no he vist gaires pelis del Woody però les que he vist m'han agradat (VCB, Midnight in Paris i Match Point). Tinc pendent Scoop, que la tinc descarregada però mai m'hi poso. A veure què tal aquesta ;)

    Petonets x

  2. El post eixe que vas fer de Woody és un dels meus faves del teu blog i de tots els blogs del món, really haha, em va agradar moltíssim ♥
    A mí de totes les que ha fet a Europa, només he vist Match Point, VCB i Midnight in Paris. Match Point em va agradar molt, però no tant com a tot el món... pot ser perquè feia poc que havia llegit Crime and Punishment i havia vist una peli de la novela amb Dempsey, Kingsley i Julie Delpy, molt bona per cert, i em va semblar que era com una copia moderna però extranya del clàssic... encara que té escenes que m'agraden moltíssim, i el Jonathan Rhys-Meyers i la Scarlett junts em van agradar molt. VCB em va semblar guay, però és que Pe no m'agrada gens... i Midnight in Paris sí que em va encantar. Em va semblar molt màgica, amb tots els personatges literaris i els pintors, i la Marion i tot, em va semblar molt bonica.

    Espero que aquesta siga una bona tornada a New York!

    un petó!
