

The Carrie Diaries' music

If there's something noone can complain about 'The Carrie Diaries' it's the music. Maybe the show is not as exciting as i expected it to be (the pilot was really great but after that the eps have been just ok) and while it's nice to watch, it doesn't get you attached like other shows do. But well, let's focus on the music and on the 80s, because the show includes some classic songs that are a pleasure to listen and makes you discover other new old ones that you end up adoring. So after the cut you can listen to the songs that i've loved from the show so far (including covers of 80s songs that are fab) but first a scene where The Cars 'Drive' fits so perfectly that makes me want to be kissed like that while listening to that beautiful song, so romantic, i'm jealous:


Rockwell - Somebody's Watching Me

Billy Idol - Dancing with Myself

New Order - Blue Monday

Laid Back - White Horse

Kenny Loggins - Footlose

Shannon - Let the Music Play

Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes

Duran Duran - Girls on Film

Depeche Mode - Just Can't Get Enough

80s covers:

Anna Waronker - Somebody's Watching Me

Cobra Verde - Temptation

Greg Laswell - Girls Just Want to Have Fun

sources: jorgesanson & youtube


  1. Doncs mira, a mi em passa el contrari. El pilot no em va agradar però la resta si. No m'enganxa, però em distreu bastant. La música si que és brillant!

    Petonets x

  2. No veia Sex in the city, només he vist algun episodi en la tv ara que la repetien en alguna cadena, per això no m'ha posat a seguir la serie, suposo que algun dia la veure com totes les que tinc sense veure! Però la música m'encanta. 80s all the way. I eixa escena que has posat, és genial, eixa cançó és preciosa.
