

Life during wartime

You have to give some credit to 'Grey´s Anatomy', it may not be as good as it used to be but it has had some really great episodes, especially season's finale, and of course the first seasons were better than now. So watching some old eps (thanks to Divinity) i remembered this great quote and this great moment in the 'Life during wartime' episode of the 5th season, i already posted it on my the_blue_room blog of movie and tv show quotes, but it's worth to remember it, it's one of the greatest revelations of Doctor Webber to Meredith Grey, and one of those scenes which contain words that touch you to the core.

You're a living reminder of every failure in my life. And that's not your fault. And if I thought 'I'm sorry' would hold any meaning for you at all, I'd say it. I'd say it a thousand times a day.

1 comment:

  1. Em vaig quedar per la 5a temporada i no vaig veure més :S crec que perquè ja estava veient altres sèries a la mateixa vegada que em van enganxar més i vaig deixar de veure-la, però sempre recordaré la primera temporada, i les dos següents amb una llagrimeta, perquè va haver epissodes que em van emocionar moltíssim, i crec que les primeres temporades van ser molt molt bones ;)
