These Vagabond Shoes from miguel astarlozza on Vimeo
And she's not the only young actress being brave and putting her work out there, Kirsten Dunst also shot her first shortfilm years ago and now this was something quite impressing, she directed 'Welcome', a really scary but cheeky piece starring her 'Little Women' sister Winona Ryder (props to her for having Winona in her first short!) and it's simply brilliant.

As for other young directors, Natalie Portman also did a shortfilm for 'New York I Love You' that was actually included in the movie but it was really unimpressing, and she also filmed 'Eve' with Lauren Bacall and Ben Gazzara but it was long and a bit boring despite the amazing cast, i just didn't like it as much as Kirsten's and Scarlett's shortfilms so if you want to watch it, click here but so far i'm not digging her directing, such a shame.
sources: lostinscarlettjohansson &
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