I've recently came across Petra Collins' photography and it has become an instant favourite. I've already posted her portfolio '
The Teenage Gaze' and i really loved her photography, the way she looks at things, to capture that hidden essence of femininity that all girls try to hide during their teens, the vulnerability, the self-consciousness. So it's no surprise that i liked Collins' photographing Tavi Gevinson in her bedroom, both are really great inspirations to young women today and it's a treat to get inside Tavi's personal space, so i'm posting some of the photos i liked better after the cut, but check them all at the source.
Adoro aquests posts! Tavi Gevinson sabia qui era, però no sabia que era tant jove! Tota una inspiration com tu has dit. I la Petra Collins ha de ser la meua nova fotografa favorita. L'estil és molt Joseph Szabo i tinc debilitat per eixe tipus de fotografia de teens i intimista. L'habitació és genial, els posters de Pulp Fiction, Dudley, les Ronettes, les fotos de Joaquin Phoenix de Cash, JFK, Sue Lyon <3 i tots els detalls m'encanten.