'The Bling Ring' teaser, Sofia Coppola's upcoming movie about the real events of a group of teenagers that broke into the homes of celebrities and actors like Paris Hilton and Rachel Bilson, stealing their personal belongings like clothes, jewelry, and anything you could dream of, was out last weekend and spread like fire on the internet. I was too sick to post it but no less excited about this because, damn it looks sick and great. Maybe it doesn't seem to be the usual Sofia Coppola kind of movie but this looks awesome and while the story is not that much (a reality show based on a few of the girls was in the process of making when all this happened – 'Pretty Wild', and a tv movie was already made about it), the teaser really made me want to get into the world of this gang who easily broke into any mansion and grabbed anything they liked, can you imagine? just because they could. The movie will arrive in June on the US and i already can't wait, it's gonna have cameos by Paris Hilton herself and Kirsten Dunst (forever a Sofia girl), so get into the hype of 'The Bling Ring' because i already feel it's gonna be one of those movies everyone will watch just to criticise or to love it, "Let's go shopping":
'The Bling Ring' teaser
'The Bling Ring' teaser, Sofia Coppola's upcoming movie about the real events of a group of teenagers that broke into the homes of celebrities and actors like Paris Hilton and Rachel Bilson, stealing their personal belongings like clothes, jewelry, and anything you could dream of, was out last weekend and spread like fire on the internet. I was too sick to post it but no less excited about this because, damn it looks sick and great. Maybe it doesn't seem to be the usual Sofia Coppola kind of movie but this looks awesome and while the story is not that much (a reality show based on a few of the girls was in the process of making when all this happened – 'Pretty Wild', and a tv movie was already made about it), the teaser really made me want to get into the world of this gang who easily broke into any mansion and grabbed anything they liked, can you imagine? just because they could. The movie will arrive in June on the US and i already can't wait, it's gonna have cameos by Paris Hilton herself and Kirsten Dunst (forever a Sofia girl), so get into the hype of 'The Bling Ring' because i already feel it's gonna be one of those movies everyone will watch just to criticise or to love it, "Let's go shopping":
Estic d'acord que em recordo quan vas parlar tu també de l'història quan va sortir la notícia no em convencia molt, però bé, ara té millor pinta! Em sembla un Korine ft. Larry Clark com et vaig dir, per la temàtica més trashy que les altres pelis de la Sofia, però com són directors que m'agraden, penso que la Sofia també podrà fer-ho bé com ells!